What’s New?
New Psychotherapy Services and Groups in Chicago
Low fee psychotherapy and intensive psychotherapy now available! We will set your fee based on your financial circumstances.
Please contact us to begin low fee in-person therapy or remote therapy by phone or video.
Read the latest issue of our newsletter, Psychotherapy Dialogues.
Seeking Full-Time Associate Therapists
Lakeview Center for Psychotherapy has openings for full-time associate therapists in our collaborative practice. If you are an experienced (at least 5 years post grad) psychoanalytically or psychodynamically oriented therapist who is licensed and on at least one insurance panel, we encourage you to contact us. We are looking for culturally responsive therapists with varied life experiences and diverse viewpoints. BIPOC therapists are strongly encouraged to apply.
Our Group Structure
The Center does not take a percentage of fees collected by associates; associates pay a flat monthly fee for rent, CEUs, marketing, and all shared expenses. We offer referrals to build your practice, receive all CEUS needed, collaborate on cases in multiple modalities, and work in a supportive collegial atmosphere. Applicants need to be fully licensed and familiar with, or interested in, a psychodynamic integrative approach to therapy. Please email info@lakeviewtherapy.com with questions.
To Apply:
Please email a cover letter, and CV, to info@lakeviewtherapy.com. In your letter please discuss how your background informs your therapeutic approach, a description of your orientation, and what types of clients you work with best.
New Interpersonal Process Group Forming Now!
This group helps clients increase awareness of their thoughts and feelings in the moment and express them openly to each other. Group members offer each other support and feedback. Members can discover what roles they tend to play in groups, safely try out new ways to relate, and heal from relational trauma. Led by an experienced group leader and a series of co-leaders in training. BCBS and Aetna Insurance accepted. Sliding scale available for BIPOC clients and therapists in grad school.
Thursdays 2-3:15
Please contact Niquie Dworkin
New Virtual Relational Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Consultation Group Forming Now!
This group is open to newer, post-graduate therapists as well as therapists who wish to deepen their understanding of the relational psychodynamic approach. We will focus on using countertransference to guide interventions, working with the client’s transference, and understanding enactments. We will discuss cases from a relational psychodynamic perspective and how to work in an intensive psychodynamic frame. Since it is virtual, therapists anywhere are welcome.
Tuesdays, 3:00-4:00PM CST, Monthly
$75, sliding scale available for unlicensed and BIPOC therapists.
Contact: Niquie Dworkin, PhD
Virtual Interpersonal Process Training Group For Therapists
This new training group is open to all mental health graduate students and early career professionals. We will use the group process to explore intrapersonal and interpersonal dynamics. The group will enable participants to receive feedback about interactions, explore transference reactions and group roles, and attain greater levels of intimacy and self-awareness. We will also meet in person 1-2 times per year. This forum will allow you to connect with other therapists and gain support in doing this challenging work.
Fridays 2-3:20 CST
$75, sliding scale available for unlicensed and BIPOC therapists
Please contact Niquie Dworkin
Virtual Integrative Psychotherapy Consultation Group
This group is open to new therapists anywhere in the world who have just finished a graduate program as well as therapists who wish to integrate new orientations and interventions into their repertoire. We will focus on combining symptom-focused, insight-oriented, and unconscious focused interventions from the psychodynamic, cognitive/behavioral, and experiential traditions, and will discuss cases from an integrative relational perspective.
Sundays, Monthly, Noon
$75, sliding scale available for unlicensed and BIPOC therapists
Contact: Niquie Dworkin, PhD
Extern and Post Grad Fellowship Positions
We will begin accepting applications for our 2025 post-grad fellowship on November 1. We will begin accepting application for our 2025 externship on January 1, 2025. For more info, please see our Training page.
Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)Group!
This is a virtual group, meeting weekly. The group follows a “class” like structure, where you will learn specific skills to help live with and regulate difficult emotions. The skills include
- Mindfulness – how to control and regulate your attention and be more “present” in your everyday life.
- Emotion Regulation – how to understand your emotions, change and reduce your vulnerability to unwanted emotions.
- Distress Tolerance – how to tolerate intense emotions and make healthier choices when under distress.
- Interpersonal Effectiveness – how to communicate effectively and get your interpersonal needs met.
These sessions are structured, with a set agenda for each session, and homework to help strengthen the skills learned. DBT skills have been found to help individuals with a range of emotional conditions (e.g. Neacsiu et al., 2014) and function as a good supplement to individual therapy.
Clients in this group are required to have an individual therapist whom they meet with regularly. This does not have to be a therapist from Lakeview Center of Psychotherapy.
Tuesdays from 4-5:45pm
Please contact Deepika Anand, PhD
Neacsiu, A. D., Eberle, J. W., Kramer, R., Wiesmann, T., & Linehan, M. M. (2014). Dialectical behavior therapy skills for transdiagnostic emotion dysregulation: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Behaviour research and therapy, 59, 40-51.
Intensive Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Supervision Under Niquie Dworkin
Learn intensive psychodynamic psychotherapy under the supervision of an experienced contemporary psychodynamic clinician. Work on theoretical psychodynamic reading and writing and see several clients 2-4 times a week until each client is able to shift their unconscious conflicts and long-standing relationship patterns with self and others.
Contact: Niquie Dworkin, PhD
Psychotherapy Offices for Rent Part-Time
Lakeview Center for Psychotherapy currently has one office for rent full time, and offices that can be rented in 4, 6 or 8 hours blocks on weekends only. You may rent the whole weekend: Friday evening, Saturday, and Sunday for a flat fee that varies according to office size. The offices are tastefully furnished and in a building fully occupied by therapists. To see photos of the offices and our building, please check out the Rent an Office page. For more information on rentals and to visit our offices, please email Kate Fiello, LCSW or call her at 773-525-3322.
What is your attachment style and how does it affect your relationships?
Learn by watching this video!